BitMiner - free and simple next generation Bitcoin mining software
BitMiner - free and simple next generation Bitcoin mining software

Saturday 20 August 2016



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story of a great young man who started from low site of the street who s name is mark, mark was know body as people call him, but always believe in one day, that will take time, to him it will only take time, but will not be taking out of him, one he believe in his dreams, to become a great musician mark always go to music classic, music studio and love any thing that do with music, he never let any body discourage him from doing music, as for the street dye all call him know body, but mark is somebody, one day mark hard a news about a music competition that Will be hold in the town, so mark needed 20 dollar to registrar as a participant in that event, mark only have 10n dollar and was looking for 10 dollar, he want to his family for dye support, when he ask his dad and mum, dye reply him if is any thing that will do with music we will not support you, so mark went to his closed friend and ask him for that same 10 dollar, his friend will not know what that little 10 dollar will do for mark, and refuse mark for it, at a time mark was so confuse so he look for where he will get any little job for 30 dollar that is 3 weeks, and the music competition will be hold next week no way he hard to go for the job after 2days to the show he ask for little money and 3 day off, so mark was very happy, he want to the competition and was the winner of the young street music competition, mark was given a house and a car in the city, the hole family members of mark was looking on how to invite mark to dye house, will it be right if mark will forgive every one who call him names and also for give his dad mum and his friend? 

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